LMH: Building Links

This provides the most incredible opportunity for LMHers to help each other
Graphic presenting information on how LMH graduates get jobs

The LMH Network

Our alumni database indicates that 75% are at ‘working age’, with over 60% in full- or part-time employment. 5% are pursuing careers in academia; 3% are taking a career break, and 2% are full time parents or care givers. 

There is someone in almost every sector you can imagine, with job titles ranging from what you might consider mainstream to the extraordinary. From a 2019 survey, about 45% of our alumni classed themselves as ‘very experienced’ or are at ‘senior executive level’ in their chosen field, and around 25% are at a more ‘junior’ to ‘mid-level’ stage. 

However, the data, we hold , only scratches the surface of what alumni really do, and so does not paint the full picture of our LMH Network. That’s where LMH: Building Links comes in.  

Graphic talking about the ways in which graduates find jobs

Harnessing the power

Research shows that the top way people discover a new job is through referrals from their network; it is estimated that 60% of jobs are never advertised, and exist within “the hidden job market”. So cultivating contacts with professionals in sectors of interest is extremely useful when searching for jobs.

75% of those who recently secured a new job used LinkedIn to help inform their decision in someway. So it makes sense to use double the power of LinkedIn as a platform and the network of LMH alumni to bring our members together to help each other in so many possibilities. 

One connection can have an endless ripple effect and with this programme we aim to harness the power of LMH as a community. 

Source: https://business.linkedin.com/content/dam/business/talent-solutions/global/en_us/c/pdfs/Ultimate-List-of-Hiring-Stats-v02.04.pdf

Graphic advertising LMH Building Links