LMH student
LMH will become a home away from home. It may be difficult at first, but as an international student, LMH is the best place to be.


LMH is a welcoming place for international students; about 10% of the undergraduate population is from outside the European Union, and the proportion is well over 50% for our postgraduate students. There is no stereotype at LMH when it comes to race or nationality. The yearly 'World at LMH' is a food and dance festival celebrating all things international, and a highlight in the LMH calendar.

The college provides a brilliant support system, from helping you set up an English bank account to having an International Representative on our student body committees, always ready to lend a listening ear or offer a helping hand.


The application process won't treat you any differently- there is no quote or limits for international students! Admission tests can be organised at your own school, and if you can't make it to Oxford for an interview, college will accommodate, as Skype interviews are now an option.

Overseas students need to apply through UCAS and to complete the same tests and submit the same written work as EU candidates. Please note that early registration may be required for some written tests, so it is important to check the details for your subject on the University undergraduate admissions website.