Battels - Fees and Charges
What are battels?
Battels is a collective term for all charges and awards applied to your College Account throughout your period of study at LMH. The Account is referred to as your Battels Account and is identified by a Battels Account Number (BAN) which begins with “S000” followed by 4 digits. This number is your unique identifier and should be quoted on all payments.
You can view your battels on the LMH Intranet using your SSO via: You should check your account regularly to see if you have any charges due for payment. A reminder email will be sent when battels are due. Please note that failure to pay battels on time can result in late payment fines or termination of your accommodation agreement.
Fees and accommodation are the main regular charges that are applied to a student’s battels accounts. There are a wide range of other charges and credits that can be made as listed below.
If your battels account us showing a negative balance, this means you are in credit. You can request your credit balance to be paid to your bank account by emailing
Course Fees, are added to your battels at the start of the academic year, usually at the end of September. If you are a new student at LMH then you can expect to receive an invoice by email, but for returning students these will simply appear on your battels. Fees are always paid in full and due by Friday of 1st week.
If you are an undergraduate student and are receiving a loan for your fees from the Student Loans Company (SLC), then no charge will appear on your battels as SLC pays the University directly. In Michaelmas Term of each year, you need to actively enrol before the University will advise the SLC to release your funds. If you are a returning student you need to enrol through Student Self Registration; new students will enrol through the Academic Office on arrival.
If you have a Student Loan, but the Course Fees appear on your battels, this will mean we have not had confirmation of your student loan at this time. Please contact the SLC to establish the reason for the delay.
If you are a Visiting Student, in many cases there are special arrangements in place with your home institution regarding the payment of your tuition fees (and in some cases accommodation charges). Please consult the Visiting Student Administrator ( if you are unsure about your fees arrangements.
Accommodation Charges
All accommodation charges and payment schedules are detailed on your accommodation agreement and will show on your battels account. You will not receive a separate invoice for these charges. Please see the Payments and Deadlines section for more information.
Undergraduate Rents
Annual charge: £6141.21
Payable in 3 equal instalments of £2047.07
Vacation residence: £33.02 per night
Graduate Rents
Grade A+ room: £203.20 per week
Grade A room: £174.22 per week
Grade B room: £156.70 per week
Grade C room: £143.28 per week
Other Battels
Course fees
Fees are charged in full at the beginning of each academic year. If you are on a Graduate Student Loan you can pay your Tuition Fees in 3 equal termly instalments without special arrangement. All other Payment plans need to be agreed through the Student Finance Officer. (see Payment and Deadlines).
These will appear on your battels during 0th week and are due by Wednesday 1st week.
Vacation Residence
These charges will appear on your battels during the holidays and become due in 1st week. Any queries regarding Vac Res should be addressed to the Accommodation Manager.
Printing Charges
Printing charges will appear on your battels. If you run out of credit prior to 7th week please email the Student Finance Officer to reset your balance.
Library Fines
Library fines will appear on your battels at the end of 7th week of each term. Prior to this you will have received numerous reminder emails from the Librarian.
MCR Subscriptions
The MCR charge an annual subscription to ALL graduate students for Membership of the Middle Common Room (MCR). 4th year UG Students and Clinical medics can request to join the MCR by contacting the MCR President. Any problems arising from MCR charges should be addressed to the MCR Treasurer.
JCR Lotteries and JCR Charities
The JCR will run Charity events during the year and these will be batteled to your account. Any problems arising with these charges should be addressed to the JCR Treasurer.
Breach of Accommodation Agreement Charges
Residents are expected to vacate their rooms promptly by 1pm at the end of 8th week (for undergraduates), or other agreed period of residence, and to leave their rooms in a clean and tidy state and clear of belongings. If you fail to do so and our teams have to spend additional time cleaning your room, tracking your movements and rearranging other accommodation bookings then additional charges may be imposed. A charge is also applicable for lost keys, in order to cover the reasonable costs of replacement.
Fines (Deans Fines etc.)
Fines from The Dean are serious and need to be paid within 1 week.
Lost/Replacement Keys
These will be charged to your battels on instruction from the Lodge.
Medical Charges
The nurse will discuss these charges with you before they are applied to your battels. For any queries regarding medical charges please contact the Nurse.
Scholarships will be credited to your battels at the beginning of the academic year. You can get the funds transferred to your bank account by sending a request to the Student Finance Officer including your bank account details. Payment of Scholarships will be at 1/3 per term less any battels owing.
Academic Development Grant (ALG), College Life Fund (CLF) and Financial Assistance Awards
Application for these Funds are invited in 1st week of each term. If you are made an award the credit will appear on your battels. To request transfer to your bank account please send an email to the Student Finance Officer together with your bank account details.
Need Help?
We hope you've found the information you need here, but if you have further questions please contact our Student Finance Officer, Justyna Gabrowska on: