Applications for residential places have now closed, but we continue to welcome applications to join an LMH Summer Programme Online, which offers the same academic programme with the convenience of taking part from where you are. Applications are processed and offers are made on a rolling basis, and we will provide a decision on your application within a maximum of two weeks.

(Left) Two students hugging in Library and (Right) Three students smiling in tutorial

Admissions Criteria

LMH Summer Programmes are designed for students who want to gain and develop knowledge in their chosen subject area. Unless specifically stated in the course outline, there are no formal prerequisites or restrictions regarding which subject(s) you are currently studying at university, but please note that LMH Summer Programmes are intensive courses of study aimed at undergraduates who have completed one or two years of their degree, or entry level postgraduate students.

We will consider each applicant’s academic ability and expect successful applicants to have a minimum grade point average equivalent to 2:1 level on the British grading scale. For example, this would mean at least a 3.2 GPA on the 4.0 grading scale in the United States, and 80% in China.

To participate fully in the programme all students will need to have proficiency in English. Students who are not either native English speakers or taught in English at their home university must demonstrate their English proficiency with one of the following:

  • Overall TOEFL score of 85
  • IELTS score of 6.5 (no less than 6.0 in each component)
  • CET-4 at 550
  • CET-6 at 520
  • Duolingo English Test score of 120 (no less than 105 in each section)
  • Cambridge English Scale score of 176

If you have proof of English language proficiency which is not listed above, but which you would like us to consider, please contact

Programme Fees

Programme Fees

A typical LMH Summer Programmes lasts for six weeks and consists of two course options, though you may choose to study one course lasting three weeks, or select three courses and join us for nine weeks. You can choose to take courses in the same subject area, or you can select courses from different disciplines to create your own personalised programme.

The fees for the LMH Summer Programmes in 2024 are as follows:


  • 3 Weeks - £3,980.00
  • 6 Weeks - £7,680.00
  • 9 Weeks - £11,380.00


  • 3 Weeks - £1,360.00
  • 6 Weeks - £2,660.00
  • 9 Weeks - £3,960.00

How to Apply

Once you have selected the course(s) and dates of your LMH Summer Programme, you are ready to begin your application. Please follow the instructions below.

  1. Complete the online Application Form.
  2. Send an up to date Academic Transcript and (if applicable) evidence of your English proficiency to
  3. Lady Margaret Hall will contact you to let you know whether your application has been successful, usually within two weeks. If you are accepted onto the programme, we will send an Enrolment Agreement for you to sign as well as instructions for the payment of your programme fee deposit.
  4. When your programme fee deposit has been received by Lady Margaret Hall we will contact you to let you know that your place on the programme is confirmed.

LMH will store your personal data in line with current data protection legislation and will contact you via email to process your application in relation to the LMH Summer Programmes. LMH will not share or distribute your personal data for other purposes than related to your application to and attendance at the LMH Summer Programmes.

Please see our terms and conditions below:


Photo of student studying in the LMH Library window taken through a tree from a distance