The College's primary purpose is as a place of education and research. We offer support to leading researchers in their fields and admission to the most able students, graduate and undergraduate, whatever their background or financial circumstances.
Information on our admission policies, including widening access, can be found on our prospective students pages. You will also find details of undergraduate courses of study and graduate subject areas.
For information regarding services for current students, including accommodation, welfare and IT support, please see our student life pages.
In conjunction with the University the College offers generous bursaries and scholarships to assist students who might not otherwise be able to afford an Oxford education. More information on student funding is available on the central University website.
Information on current research undertaken by our Fellows and lecturers is available on our academic community pages.
The College Library is available to current students, Tutors and lecturers 24 hours a day, and to others who wish to use it for research by arrangement with the Librarian.
The College Archives are available to the general public for purposes of research by appointment with the Archivist. See the Archives webpages for more information.
The College's Chapel is a place of public worship and we publish service times and dates on our website.
Services for alumni, parents and friends are organised by the Development Office. Please see the alumni section for details of their programme of events.
The College publishes an Annual Report in early February, the Brown Book (an annual record for and by alumni) in April, and LMH News (a newsletter report on the College's activities and events) in October. Recent Annual Reports and LMH News are available for download (pdf format), and copies of the Brown Book are available from the Development Office.
The College's facilities are available for public hire through our subsidiary company LMH Conference Services Ltd. Details are available on the conferences section of this website.
Document formats and fees
Printed versions of all documents produced by Lady Margaret Hall and referred to on this page are available. A fee may be charged.