LMH Community Prayer Board

This is a space to put down your own prayers, spiritual thoughts, poems and messages that reflect your feelings and those who are on your heart and mind through this term. You don't have to be Christian to post here and you don't have to be religious.

LMH Community Prayer Board

Chapel Services at LMH

LMH has a long history of choral worship, led by our excellent Chapel choir.

Our main act of worship each week is

Choral Evensong – every Friday in full term, 6.00- 6.50pm in the Chapel

Evensong is a traditional Christian service, a mixture of music, psalms and Bible readings. The choir leads the worship and the congregation has an opportunity to relax and allow the worship to wash over them. It is one of the glories of the English Church and a beautiful experience as well as a deeply prayerful one. Everyone is welcome to attend, whatever your faith or belief. The service is followed by drinks and the Friday Formal in Hall.

Check out the Chapel Term Card (link below) for this term's events.

Using the Chapel

During the week the Chapel is open for students and staff alike to find moments of peace and quiet during a busy day. The Blessed Sacrament is Reserved in the Chapel as a sign of the abiding presence of God in this place.

You may light a candle as a sign of prayer offered or sought and there is a prayer board for you to write prayer requests.

Oxford is full of opportunities to experience worship of all traditions and sorts, Christian and many other faiths too. Some of the best choirs in the world offer worship on a weekly basis in the Chapels and Churches of the city, great scholars and theologians live here, preach and teach all across the University. Do look out for notices of forthcoming events, speakers and services. 

Readings and Music

You can download a list of readings and music for Hilary Term 2025 here.

LMH Choir practising in the LMH Chapel