Fabian Helmrich, who has dark hair and glasses, sitting at a cafe table

Contact Details

Email: fabian.helmrich@ling-phil.ox.ac.uk

Role: Stipendiary Lecturer in Linguistics


Hailing from Switzerland, I completed my BA in Russian and SerBoCroatian at UCL SSEES with semesters abroad at the University of Sarajevo and Novosibirsk State University. After an MPhil in Linguistics at Worcester, I joined LMH as a DPhil student in 2022.

Research Interests

My DPhil looks at Istro-Romanian, a Romance language spoken by around 150 people in the north of Croatia. I am investigating its verbal aspect system, which has been shaped by sustained contact with Croatian. Other interests include Slavic linguistics, the languages of the Balkans, morphology, questions of language and nation, as well as queer linguistics, especially in the Eastern European context


I teach the following:

  • Prelims General Linguistics
  • Prelims Morphology
  • FHS General Linguistics
  • FHS Paper V.2 Structure of Russian

Selected Publications

2018. The Gay Hussar: the origins and spread of buserant in the Danube region. Central Europe 16(2). 105–111. https://doi.org/10.1080%2F14790963.2019.1637581

Forthcoming. SerBoCroatian Marriage Verbs in Queer Contexts: an experimental study in Sociolinguistics. In Francesco Vigo & Scott Burnett, Battlefield linguistics. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.