Classics, Ancient History, Classical Archaeology

Visiting Students who apply for ‘Classics’ will be able to select their options from a wide range of courses available in the field of Classical Languages and Literature, Ancient History, and Classical Archaeology. Please review the range of courses on offer below.



  • All the subjects below assume some background in the study of classical literature, whether in translation or in the original languages.
  • All the subjects below can be studied entirely in translation if desired. If you are offering them in Greek or Latin, please note that while the subjects marked * can be taken by those who have reached an intermediate linguistic level, ALL OTHER subjects require an existing linguistic level ABOVE intermediate (and should be considered ‘advanced’ subjects). 
  • Subjects marked § cannot be offered as minor subjects, and involve choosing (in consultation with your LMH tutor) a smaller number of texts/authors to study in detail from the wider range given in square brackets. 

Greek Literature

Homer: Iliad

§ Early Greek Hexameter Poetry [Homer, Odyssey; the Homeric Hymns; Hesiod; the Epic Cycle]

§ Greek Literature of the Fifth Century BC [Simonides, Plataea Elegy; Pindar and Bacchylides; Gorgias; Thucydides, History Book 2; Sophocles, Antigone; Aristophanes, Clouds; Plato, Symposium]

* Herodotus’ Histories

* Oratory in the Athenian Lawcourt: Lysias, Isaeus, and Demosthenes

Greek Tragedy

Greek Comedy

Thucydides’ History of the Peloponnesian War

Latin Literature

§ Latin Literature of the First Century BC [Cicero, pro Marcello; Livy Book 5; Virgil, Eclogues; Horace, Odes Book 3; Propertius, Elegies Book 3; Ovid, Fasti Book 6]

Cicero the Orator 

* Catullus and Propertius 

Virgil: Aeneid

* Ovid: Metamorphoses

Petronius and Juvenal

Ancient History

Athenian Democracy in the Classical Age
The Greek World, 479-403 BC
Alexander the Great and his Early Successors
Roman History, 146-46 BC
Roman History, 46 BC – 54 AD
Roman History, 54 – 138 AD
Augustan Rome
Tacitus and Tiberius
Cicero & Catiline
Religions in the Greek and Roman World from c. 31 BC to AD 312

Classical Archaeology

Greek Art and Archaeology from c. 500 to 300 BC
Art under the Roman Empire, AD 14-337
Greek Vases
Greek Sculpture

Advice on submitted written work

Preferably an essay on a Classical subject of more than 1500 words. Please DO NOT provide multiple choice tests or translation exercises.

Tutors and lecturers

Prof Christina Kuhn is Tutorial Fellow and University Lecturer in Ancient History

Dr Claudia Wagner is Senior Research Fellow in Classical Archaeology

Dr Guy Westwood is Fellow and Tutor in Classics (Greek)

Dr Thomas Mannack is Senior Research Fellow in Classical Archaelology

Domenico Giordani is Lecturer in Classics (Latin)