Meet the LMH Wellbeing Team

LMH is passionate about nurturing a supportive and healthy environment for our whole community. We have a team of professionals, tutors, support staff, and students available to provide help and advice. Here you can find out about the members of our Wellbeing Team, their roles and what they can help with, and how you can contact them. 

If you’re not sure who to contact, any of our team will be happy to speak to you and point you in the right direction.

Side by side photos of two women, Lizzie Shine (who has long strawberry blonde hair) and Dr Erin Ferguson (who has long dark curly hair and wears a bright red top)

Heads of Wellbeing

Lizzie Shine (left) and Dr Erin Ferguson (right) share the role of Head of Wellbeing at LMH. Erin is available in college Mondays-Wednesdays and Lizzie is available Wednesday mornings, Thursdays and Fridays. You can book a meeting on their booking page Head of Wellbeing (

A Social Worker (Lizzie) and Clinical Psychologist (Erin) by background, they coordinate the wellbeing and welfare provision, and provide support to all students. Erin and Lizzie can be contacted for one-off chats and check-ins, advice, and signposting to guided self-help and relevant services within College, the University and the NHS.

They are also responsible for supporting our estranged and care experienced students and work closely with the Dean, Nurse and Junior Welfare Deans.

College Nurse

Anne Harpin is available Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays (8.30am-3pm) and Tuesdays (1pm-7pm). 

You can get in touch via Email: or Tel: 07595003239. 

She can help you manage health problems and illnesses and arrange for referrals when necessary. She can treat minor illnesses and injuries and advise on sexual health (please check the leaflet below). Contraception is available to all men and women, including emergency contraception.  Anne is a go-to contact for emotional and psychological issues.

Sexual Health leaflet

Photo of a woman in a nurse's uniform with text: WeLLMH LMH Nurse Anne Harpin

College GP

LMH requires all students to register under the NHS (or make a private arrangement) with the College Doctors who are part of the Banbury Road Medical Centre. If you have not done so already, you can register using this form.

You can make an appointment with any GP at Banbury Road Medical Centre by calling 01865 515731. Our college GP, Dr Tom Hutchinson, is available at LMH on Tuesday afternoons during term-time.

To ensure you receive continuity of care, it is advisable that you remain registered for the duration of your course. You will still be able to receive treatment elsewhere on the NHS, for example during vacations, by registering as a ‘temporary resident’.

Photo of LMH College GP Dr Tom Hutchinson
Clare Atkin

Student Support Co-ordinator

Clare Atkin is part of the Academic Office team and it is her role to facilitate the academic support of both undergraduate and postgraduate students with registered disabilities throughout the student’s academic life cycle, from interview to final exams, in liaison with the Disability Advisory Service. Clare is Secretary to Grants Committee, and also facilitates the Financial Support Review Panel meetings.

The Dean

Dr David Campbell is a Fellow in Law at LMH and, working with the Junior Deans, manages College discipline, always seeking to ensure that LMH is a safe, inclusive and supportive community. David is always happy to hear from students who have any concerns or comments and can be contacted 

Junior Welfare Deans

The Junior Welfare Deans, Caitlin Barton-Sargeant and Ntiriwa Sekyi-Djan provide out-of-hours support for welfare issues. They are graduate students who are trained to provide welfare support and they also assist the Dean in maintaining a safe and secure environment within the community. One of them is on duty from 5.30pm-8.30am every week day and throughout the weekends. They are available for emergency advice and support at any time during those hours and you can contact them through the lodge.

Side by side photos of two young women, who act as Junior Welfare Deans at LMH

Academic Office

The Academic Office can help with any practical questions relating to your studies. They also manage disability-related matters and exam adjustments. 

Dr Anne Mullen, Senior Tutor - 

Dr Ben Higgins, Tutor for Graduates -

Catherine Boase-Davies, Academic Registrar -

Clare Atkin, Student Support Co-ordinator ( and Visiting Student Administrator -

Elizabeth Iles, Academic Office Administrator (Graduates) -

Samantha McCormack, Academic Office Assistant (Undergraduates) -

Lodge Staff

If you need information about well-being and are not sure where to go, contact Lodge staff at 01865 274300. You should also contact them immediately if there is any medical emergency or cause for serious worry. They will be able to direct you to the right person. The Lodge is staffed 24/7; it is always a good place to go if you need a quick chat.

Peer Support

If you would prefer to speak to another student, we have a team of peer supporters in college, who are students from the JCR and MCR who have been trained by the University Counselling Service in active listening support. You can find out more about peer support and student welfare reps via the link below.