The office

LMH Visiting Students have access to all of the resources of the College normally available to our undergraduates. In addition, the Visiting Student Office provides support to students on academic and personal matters and organises social events especially for Visiting Students.

Any questions?

If you have a question about the LMH Visiting Student Programme, please first read through FAQs. If your query is not answered there, we welcome prospective students to contact us.

You can email the Programme Administrator, Mrs Clare Atkin, or you can telephone the Visiting Student Office on  +44(0)1865 284260.

Our postal address is:

The Visiting Student Office
Lady Margaret Hall
Norham Gardens
United Kingdom


The LMH Visiting Student Programme Office works in partnership with various university and college Study Abroad offices and university consortiums. We currently have links with the following institutions: 

  • American University
  • Brandeis University
  • Brown University
  • College of the Holy Cross
  • Columbia University
  • Cornell University
  • George Mason University
  • Haverford College
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Pomona College
  • Smith College
  • Swarthmore College
  • The University of Pennsylvania 
  • The University of Richmond
  • The University of South Carolina (Darla Moore School of Business) 
  • Vassar College
  • Wellesley College
  • Wesleyan University
  • Wheaton College
  • William Jewell College
  • Xi'an Jiaotong University
  • Yale University

We do not limit our applications to institutions with whom we already have agreements in place. If your institution does not currently have an established agreement with us, you may still apply through your Study Abroad office, and if your application is accepted, we will work to establish an agreement with your institution.

It is also possible to apply through IFSA-Butler and Arcadia.

If you have any questions please contact the Visiting Student Administrator.