Three students, two men of Asian descent and a white woman, sit outside a red brick building talking and laughing

Study Skills

Promoting Academic Wellness at LMH

LMH was the first Oxford college to launch a Study Skills centre to support our undergraduate and postgraduate students in developing effective and sustainable study habits.

Who we are

Lady Margaret Hall has two specialist Study Skills Lecturers who are available to meet with all students attached to the college, to provide guidance and advice about academic skills and learning development. We run group sessions, workshops, and seminars throughout term. We also have regular drop-in sessions for quick advice, as well as bookable one-to-one tutorials, in which we can provide confidential advice tailored to individual circumstances. Our aim is to ensure that all LMH students are well-equipped to make the most out of their time in Oxford and to thrive in their studies.

Dr Edward Sutcliffe

Lecturer in Study Skills (focusing on Humanities and Social Sciences)

A man with short brown hair and dark rimmed glasses
Dr Emma Lalande

Lecturer in Study Skills (focusing on Mathematical, Physical, and Life Sciences, and Medical Sciences)

Photo of Emma Lalande

Make a booking

If you are a current LMH student and would like to arrange a meeting with us then please use our online booking system (link below). 

What we can help with

We are available to meet with LMH students at all levels, including visiting students and postgraduate students. You can contact us directly to request a meeting, or you might find that your tutors or other college staff advise you to come to see us. We can support you in developing your skills and in establishing effective and sustainable study habits in relation to issues such as:

  • Meeting deadlines
  • Writing essays
  • Planning projects
  • Taking effective notes
  • Critical thinking
  • Scheduling revision
  • Preparing for exams
  • Balancing academic pressures with other work
  • Motivation
  • Perfectionism

For details of how to book an individual meeting, as well as information about workshops, drop-in sessions, and other events, see our regular email bulletins or check the study skills notice board in Deneke. If you have any questions, please do get in touch.

How to contact us

Email :

Visit us: Deneke 20

Telephone: 01865 274384

Resources for Academic Wellness

The LMH library has a good selection of study skills books, just to the left of the main doors as you exit.

Many books with useful advice about academic skills can also be accessed online via SOLO. For instance:

The University Counselling Service has podcasts covering topics including perfectionism, motivating yourself to study, and dealing with exam stress. See the full list here:

The University of Oxford has centralised advice on academic skills here: