Photo of purple asters in bloom in front of a red brick building

At LMH we are extremely fortunate to have the support of so many alumni and friends who believe in what the College is doing to educate the brightest young minds and we are keen to show our appreciation.

We are delighted to include the names of all of our donors in our annual donor roll, situated at the back of our Philanthropy Report, unless you have chosen to remain anonymous. We publish this list to thank those who have chosen to support the College, but also to highlight that you are part of a wider community of donors who, collectively, make a huge difference to LMH.

Photo: Chealsea Wallis

Major Benefactors

We are also pleased to formally publish levels of benefaction to recognise, thank and involve our educational philanthropists. As more alumni support the College, we want to better recognise the support of major benefactors and in 2021 set up four new donor circles, based upon cumulative giving to LMH (including Gift Aid):

  1. Jex-Blake Circle in recognition of cumulative gifts between £10,000 and £24,999
  2. Elizabeth Wordsworth Circle for cumulative gifts between £25,000 and £49,999
  3. Talbot Circle in recognition of cumulative gifts between £50,000 and £99,999
  4. Principal’s Circle for cumulative gifts of more than £100,000

You can read our latest Philanthropy Reports online.

Members are invited to attend exclusive donor events during the course of the year. Please take note of the upcoming Donor Circle events:

  • Founders and Benefactors Dinner - Friday 7th February 2025 (available to Principal’s Circle & Talbot Circle members)
    This special occasion will be hosted by the Principal, Professor Stephen Blyth, and is an opportunity for the College to celebrate and thank our most generous supporters.
  • Principal's Summer Lunch - Saturday 28th June 2025 (available to Principal, Talbot & Wordsworth Circle members)
  • LMH Garden Party - Saturday 28th June 2025 (free for Principal, Talbot, Wordsworth & Jex-Blake Circle members) Please join us in the beautiful gardens for our annual Garden Party. The afternoon will include afternoon tea, music, croquet and an academic lecture. 

Legacy and Loyal Donors

We are also incredibly grateful to all alumni and friends who pledge to leave a legacy in support of LMH. The Beaufort Circle recognises those individuals who have chosen to make this most special and personal of donations, in support of the long-term future of LMH, and we are very happy to welcome members for a special lunch at the College each year.

Thinking of leaving a legacy to LMH? Please see the dedicated pages about including a gift in your Will.

And finally, we are delighted to recognise those who have made gifts to LMH for at least ten years through membership of the Souvent me Souviens circle.  This group was established in 2003-4 when LMH was celebrating its 125th Anniversary – to recognise those who choose to give over the long-term. We are thrilled to report that there are now more than 675 current members of Souvent me Souviens a true testament to the great affection that so many hold for LMH. These regular gifts add up over time, making a significant impact to LMH over years to come.

*Please note that donors are included if they have made a gift within the last 18 months.