Find out where you can go if you experience difficulties dealing with academic commitments, are struggling with your academic work, or are experiencing exam-related stress.
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Academic issues
Academic work can become a source of stress; LMH has a huge number of people willing to help and support you in any way we can.
Academic issues don’t have to be big – they cover everything from needing a book the LMH library doesn’t stock, difficulties talking with a tutor, anxiety about reading lists or feedback, or struggles with the workload. If anything is affecting your work, please don’t hesitate to reach out for support.
Subject specific
If your problem is specific to your degree, your peers, both from your own year, and years above, will be a good point of contact. They are likely to have had experience with the same tutors, lecturers and the workload – they will know what you’re going through and can offer subject specific advice and support.
- Unless there is a difficulty with those who are teaching you, your tutor, and especially your personal tutor, will be happy to talk with you – and in complete confidence. They will not judge.
- Dr Anne Mullen is the Senior Tutor - you can reach her at senior.tutor@lmh.ox.ac.uk to discuss, in confidence, any challenges or difficulties you are facing.
- For those doing Masters or DPhils, you should be able to speak with departmental administrators about the requirements and timelines you need to keep to, and your supervisor(s) should be able to support your project goals and keep you on track. Your college advisor is also a valuable source of support.
Study Skills and Academic Wellness
If you feel that you need more support with your study skills, then help is at hand. LMH has two Study Skills Lecturers, Emma Lalande (who focuses on Sciences) and Dr Edward Sutcliffe (who focuses on Humanities and Social Sciences).
We can provide guidance and support with a wide range of academic skills, including time management, note-taking, motivation, critical thinking, essay/project writing, revision strategies, and exam technique. Our goal is to further equip you with skills to get the most out of your studies.
We work with students at all levels: all LMH students (including visiting students and graduate students) can book a one-to-one tutorial with Study Skills Lecturers to receive confidential advice tailored to their individual circumstances.
We also run group sessions and workshops throughout the academic year, as well as drop-in sessions for quick advice.
Find out more about Study Skills at LMH and what we offer via the link below or email us at study.skills@lmh.ox.ac.uk.
Personal / medical factors
If a personal or medical issue is affecting your academic work, do make sure that someone is aware as soon as possible.
- You can approach your personal tutor or the Head of Wellbeing (wellbeing@lmh.ox.ac.uk) to discuss it in confidence, and you may qualify for examination or tutorial support, or further help from the University. Your tutor can take your issues into account when setting work, arranging tutorials or offer subject specific advice.
- Please do also check out the support available from the LMH Wellbeing Team.
Academic reps
Your JCR or MCR Academic Reps can also help. They are here to help you with any academic concern you have. Your academic rep also organises academic feedback sessions, so this can be a good opportunity anonymously to tell us what is helping your studies and things that we might want to change. The contact details for JCR and MCR academic reps are here.