Contact details
Telephone number: 01865 (2)78086
Role: Reader in Classical Iconography, Senior Research Fellow
I studied Classical Archaeology, Ancient History, and Pre-History at Heidelberg, Oxford, and Kiel, where I submitted my doctoral thesis on Beazley’s Later and Latest Mannerists. I have been working at the Beazley Archive, Oxford, since 1986, where I am in charge of the Archive’s database of Greek figure-decorated pottery, and have taught Greek and Roman Art for 25 years. I am Titular Reader in Classical Iconography since 2006, Lecturer in Classical Archaeology since 2007 and director of the British Academy’s Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum Project.
Research interests
Greek figure-decorated vases: iconography and inscriptions.
Tutor for Greek Vases, Greek Sculpture, Greek Art and Archaeology 500-300, Art under the Roman Empire.
'Greek Vases as Media of Communication: The Epeleios Painter and his Companions' Beihefte zum CVA Oesterreich 3 (2020).
‘Two New Lekythoi and Two ‘Ghosts’, Draycott, C.M, Raja, R., Welch, K., and Wootton, W.T. (eds.), Visual Histories of the Classical World, Essays in Honour of R.R.R. Smith, Studies in Classical Archaeology 4 (Turnhout, 2017).
The Interplay between Images and Inscriptions on Athenian Vases’, D. Yatromanolakis (ed.), Greek Vase Inscriptions (forthcoming).
‘An Etruscan Black-Figure Hydria: The Judgment of Paris in Archaic Etruria. Etruscan and Italic Studies (2022) (with O. Croker)
‘A Son of Nikon or Nikon Victorious: A New Inscription on a Fragment of a Pseudo Panathenaic Amphora’, arts (2022)