The Dean: Dr David Campbell
Dr David Campbell is a Fellow in Law and the Dean at LMH and, working with the Sub Dean, manages College discipline, always seeking to ensure that LMH remains a safe, inclusive and supportive community. Dr Campbell is always available to hear from students who have any concerns or comments and can be contacted at: dean@lmh.ox.ac.uk

The Sub-Dean: Dr Vânia S. Pinto
Dr Vânia S. Pinto is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Rees Centre, Department of Education, in the field of foster care. As Sub-Dean at LMH, she supports Dr Campbell in ensuring College discipline. Dr Pinto is available to meet with students and discuss any issues they would find helpful and can be contacted at: sub.dean@lmh.ox.ac.uk
College Event Form
If you would like to organise an event in College, please use the form below.
Absence / Overnight Guest Form
To help with fire safety, you can register an absence from College and/or an overnight guest using the form below.
Important Policies and Procedures
Links to some of our most relevant policies and procedures can be found below.
If you can't find the document you are looking for, have a look at our other policies via the link below.