If you believe you require adjustments to your exam arrangements please contact the Student Support Coordinator, student.support@lmh.ox.ac.uk or the Academic Registrar at the earliest possible time. If you have a learning difficulty or disability that requires special examination arrangements, permission can be granted once at the start of your course for all your undergraduate examinations. Permission for special arrangements for long term conditions must be requested by the deadline for exam entry. If there is an unanticipated problem during the examination period itself, it is essential if the problem is medical that you contact your Personal Tutor, the Senior Tutor/ Tutor for Graduates, and the Academic Registrar at the earliest possible time. You will need to obtain medical certification (please contact the College Nurse in the first instance). If it is not medical you will need other documentary evidence pertaining to your situation immediately, which will be submitted in consideration of any adjustment.

There is further guidance on Alternative Exam Arrangements available on the University website.