Professional Networking: Building Links

The LMH Network is made up of over 10,000 members. That’s 10,000 people, each with their own network of professional connections. We want to open this incredible network up to you.

Building Links

What is LMH: Building Links?

The LMH Network provides the most incredible opportunity for LMHers to help each other. You, our alumni, are our strength; whilst the Development Office currently offers a small-scale mentoring and networking service, you hold the keys to unlocking the true available potential to current students and other alumni. 

This is an opportunity to get involved in College life indirectly, You may remember the daunting feelings of looking for internships and placements during your studies, or preparing to graduate after three or four years, without a job to go in to. Or, several years in to your career, you may have thought that you would like to change directions but had no idea where to start. 

If this was you, you were not alone. The beauty of our LMH Network is that it will enable you to to come across people who have had similar thoughts and feelings, and faced the same challenges.. This is not to be underestimated in the ability you now have to help someone else.

How to get involved

We invite all LMH alumni and students to join the LMH LinkedIn group and actively use the space to network with your peers. 

Within our wider online network, there are also sector-specific groups to help hone the advice you need, or opportunities you have to share.

We strongly encourage you to connect with fellow LMH members and use this space to reach out to each other.

For any questions, or if you would benefit from a more personalised introduction to alumni in a particular sector, please do reach out to the team in the Development Office, who will be pleased to assist you.