Contact Details
Role: Stipendiary Lecturer in Organic Chemistry
Email: ai.fletcher@chem.ox.ac.uk
Biography and Research Interests
I obtained a B.En. from Keio University, Japan, then moved to the U.K. where I pursued a Ph.D. at Imperial College London under the supervision of Professor Chris Braddock. Since completing Ph.D. in 2004, I have explored a range of chemistry as a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Regensburg in Germany (with Professor Oliver Reiser) and at the University of Bath (with Professor Michael Willis). I joined the group of Professor Steve Davies in Oxford in 2007, where I have been involved with the development of asymmetric synthetic methodology and its application to the total synthesis of natural products.
I teach all aspects of the undergraduate Organic Chemistry course.
Selected Publications
Lithium amides as homochiral ammonia equivalents for conjugate additions to α,β-unsaturated esters: asymmetric synthesis of (S)-β-leucine
Davies, S. G.; Fletcher, A. M.; Roberts, P. M.; Thomson, J. E. Org. Synth. 2019, 96, 53.
Rapid stereoselective syntheses of heteroarene-fused azacycles via diastereoselective conjugate addition of heteroaryl substituted lithium amides
Davies, S. G.; Fletcher, A. M.; Holder, K. E.; Roberts, P. M.; Thomson, J. E.; Zimmer, D. Heterocycles 2019, 99, 919.
The conjugate addition of enantiomerically pure lithium amides as chiral ammonia equivalents part III: 2012-2017
Davis, S. G.; Fletcher, A. M.; Roberts, P. M.; Thomson, J. E. Tetrahedron: Asymmetry 2017, 28, 1842.
Asymmetric synthesis of the N-terminal α-hydroxy-β-amino acid components of microginins 612, 646 and 680
Davies, S. G.; Fletcher, A. M.; Hanby, A. R.; Roberts, P. M.; Thomson, J. E. Tetrahedron: Asymmetry 2017, 28, 1756.
Asymmetric synthesis of pyrrolizidines, indolizidines and quinolizidines via a double reductive cyclisation protocol
Davies, S. G.; Fletcher, A. M.; Roberts, P. M.; Thomson, J. E. Synlett 2017, 28, 2697.