Prof Monima Chadha, who has short dark hair and is wearing a yellow top

Contact Details


Role: Fellow and Tutor in Indian Philosophy; Professor of Indian Philosophy


I did my undergraduate studies at Delhi University in India. I obtained my PhD in Philosophy at Monash University in Australia. After a brief stint in India, I moved back to Monash University as a Lecturer in Philosophy and eventually became a Professor of Philosophy ay Monash. I was awarded the inaugural Jack Karp Fellowship Sage School of Philosophy at Cornell University in 2022. I have recently joined the Faculty of Philosophy at Oxford as Professor of Indian Philosophy.

Research Interests

Indian Philosophy; Buddhist Philosophy; No-self views. I am interested in the philosophy of mind in the classical Indian and contemporary western traditions. I draw on Abhidharma-Buddhist philosophy and contemporary cognitive science to provide an account of conscious experiences, in particular subjectivity and agency, without positing the existence of subjects and agents.

Selected Publications

Selfless Minds Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023

Kirberg, M and Chadha, M (forthcoming) Depersonalization and the Experience of (No-) Self, Journal of Consciousness Studies.

Berryman, K., Chadha M and Nichols S. (2024) “Vows Without a Self”, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research,108:1, 42-61.

Chadha M. & Nichols S. (2023) “Self-Control without a Self”, Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 101:4, 936-953

Chadha, M. (2022) “A Buddhist Response to the Quality-Combination Problem for Panpsychism”, The Monist, 105(1), 131–145.

Chadha M. (2021) “Eliminating Selves and Persons” Journal of American Philosophical Association 7(3), 273-294.

Chadha, M. (2021) “Reference, Representation and the Meaning of the First-Person Singular Pronoun,” in Philosophy East and West.71 (1): 38-56.

Chadha, M. (2019). “Reconstructing Memories, Deconstructing the Self” Mind and Language. 34 (1): 121-138