Contact details

Role: Domus Fellow and Tutor in Economics

Email: natalie.quinn@​

Natalie Quinn 2018


After undergraduate studies in maths and physics at Cambridge, and experience teaching physics in Namibia, I realised that economics was a subject that would allow me to apply my enthusiasm for mathematics to the real-world questions that fascinate me. I came to Oxford to pursue the MPhil and DPhil in Economics, at Balliol College.

I was Career Development Fellow at St John's College before becoming a Fellow of LMH in 2017, and have also worked as a government economic advisor in Sierra Leone. I am concurrently a Senior Research Officer in Oxford’s Department of International Development.

Research interests

My research interests lie at the intersection of welfare economics and development economics. A key focus is on innovative methods for measuring socio-economic outcomes in developing countries, currently focussing on poverty and women’s empowerment. I am particularly interested in measurement approaches that reflect the values and preferences of those whose outcomes are being measured. Another focus is on developing better methods to measure the welfare impacts of poverty-alleviation and social protection programmes in the context of economic interactions. Current and recent projects are located in Kenya and Tunisia.


I currently teach Introductory Microeconomics, Foundation Year Economics and Economics of Developing Countries at LMH. In recent years I have also taught the core Finals courses in Microeconomics and Quantitative Economics. At graduate level, I teach the preliminary maths course and a module on Poverty and Inequality for the MSc in Economics for Development.


Lombardini, S., & Quinn, N. N. (2020). The Participatory Index of Women’s Empowerment: Development and an application in Tunisia (OPHI Research in Progress 59a). University of Oxford.

Alkire, S., Nogales, R., Quinn, N. N. and Suppa, N. (2020). On track or not? Projecting the global Multidimensional Poverty Index (OPHI Research in Progress 58a). University of Oxford.

Vaz, A., Malaeb, B., & Quinn, N. N. (2019). Evaluation of programs with multiple objectives: Multidimensional methods and empirical application to Progresa in Mexico (OPHI Research in Progress 55a). University of Oxford.

Quinn, N. N. (2017). Chronic poverty and poverty dynamics: Resolving a paradox in the normative basis for intertemporal poverty measures. Research on Economic Inequality, 25, 103-135.

Caeyers, B., & Quinn, N. N. (2015). Livelihoods in Armenia: Evaluation of new economic opportunities for small-scale farmers in Tavush and Vayots Dzor regions (Effectiveness Review Series 2013/14). Oxford: Oxfam GB.

Porter, C. & Quinn, N. N. (2013). Measuring intertemporal poverty: Policy options for the poverty analyst. In G. Betti and A. Lemmi (Eds.), Poverty and social exclusion: New methods of analysis (pp. 166 – 193). Abingdon: Routledge.