A group of students standing outside the LMH boathouse

Women's First Eight

A term full of hard training and dedication had W1 in high spirits and looking towards a successful Eights campaign. Unfortunately, a combination of klaxons and crews, including Blues rower, had other plans for the girls. The first day saw a bump from Trinity who then went on to win Blades, slightly softening the blow. Day 2 included the first of two klaxons, which sadly cut the race short before W1 could show what they were made of. Day 3 saw an impressive fly and die from Mansfield, which sadly resulted in a bump on W1. The day 4 race was yet again klaxoned, just as the girls were about to re-bump Mansfield to regain their position. Despite these setbacks, the crew had a great time racing and didn't lose their spirits, and W1 are looking forward to making a comeback next year!

A group of students standing in the sunshine outside of the LMH boathouse

Men's First Eight

LMH M1 had a great start to their Eights campaign, bumping Jesus M1 at Longbridges to take the top spot in Division 2. For their second race of the day as sandwich boat, LMH secured a spot in Division 1 by bumping Trinity M1 off the start. On Thursday the crew ahead, University M1, caught up to St Catherine’s M1 through the gut, bumping out; LMH rowed over, finishing with lengths of clear water ahead of Jesus M1 chasing behind. Friday saw LMH bump St Catherine’s M1 through the gut to secure 11th spot in Division 1, setting a new record for the highest ever position achieved by LMHBC’s men’s side for Summer Eights. On Saturday the crew ahead was again University M1, who bumped Wadham M1 before Donnington Bridge. LMH rowed over, with a commanding lead of 5-6 lengths over the chasing crew of St Catherine’s, cementing their place in Division 1. LMH M1 is especially grateful to Anna Carbery for her incredible coaching, and to all who came to spectate and support at the Boathouse and on the towpath.

A group of students standing outside the LMH boathouse

Women's Second Eight

W2 had a successful start to Summer Eights, qualifying fourth fastest in Rowing On and going on to bump St Peters on Day 1. Unfortunately, Day 2 saw Linacre bump Magdalen, so there were no crews ahead for LMH to bump, which meant a row over. Day 3 saw a crab off the start line which resulted in a bump from St Peters and the final day of the campaign was hindered by a klaxon. Despite this, it was W2’s most successful Summer Eights campaign since 2016 and the crew has its sights on moving up into Division 6 next year. The crew is especially grateful to coach Viv for her endless support and extends a special thanks to alumna Ashleigh O’Connor-Hanlon as well as to Olivia Howard and Tereza Oprea for subbing into the boat during their finals.

A group of students standing in the sunshine outside of the LMH boathouse

Men's Second Eight

Despite lots of the crew balancing rowing with exams and finals, M2's campaign in Summer Eights racing witnessed the crew's most successful performance in any race since 2019. A strong result in the Rowing On qualification race saw the crew placed in the middle ranks of Men's Division 5, three places higher than the result of their performance in 2022's Summer Eights racing. Across the 4 days, the crew faced narrow defeats with bumps by Oriel M3, Worcester M2 and Linacre M2, but they were delighted to hold off both Worcester and Osler House in a taxing but successful row-over on Thursday. These achievements, alongside the recruitment of a variety of novices, places the crew in a strong position for racing next year.