Photo of Gillian Peele

Gillian Peele, an Emeritus Fellow of the College,  has been appointed by the Prime Minister as one of the two new independent members of the Committee on Standards in Public Life.

Gillian taught politics at LMH from 1975 until her retirement in 2016 and in that year she published (with  David Hine) The Regulation of Standards in British Public Life : Doing the Right Thing? The book is a comprehensive analysis of the  Committee and its work. The role of the Committee (which was established by John Major in 1994) is to keep the regulatory framework governing British political life under review and to promote high ethical standards across the public sector. Recent publications from the Committee have examined the problem of intimidation in public life, electoral finance and ethical standards in local government.

Gillian writes that she much looks forward to contributing to the work of the Committee which plays such an important part in protecting the principles of public life and the integrity of our democracy.