Extended Michaelmas Term (MT+)


We are delighted to offer an Extended Michaelmas Term (MT+) for students who prefer not to visit for the whole academic year. LMH continues to recommend that visiting students apply for the whole year whenever possible, but we recognise that for a variety of reasons this is not always feasible.  

The Extended Michaelmas Term starts at the beginning of September each year, running continuously into full term. It gives students the opportunity to have more tuition in their chosen area of study, and to experience some cultural activities. We believe that this will enable the work achieved by students throughout the Extended Michaelmas Term to equate to a full semester at their home universities.

Applicants may select two sets of 8 tutorials or classes to study across the entire Extended Michaelmas Term. The first set of 8 tutorials will begin in September, and will continue into Michaelmas term. The other set of 8 tutorials will begin at the start of Michaelmas, in October.

We provide a full induction schedule including an Introduction to Studying at Oxford seminar, an individual meeting with the Director of Visiting Students, a library induction and a welcome meeting.  There will be an exciting programme of excursions to local places of historical importance such as Blenheim Palace, and Oxford’s premier museum and gallery, the Ashmolean Museum, and a walking tour of Oxford.  We also organise student 'Buddies', who are current undergraduate students of LMH, to help the students settle into College life; the 'Buddies' will also arrange ad hoc social events.

We would encourage study-abroad offices who have interested students to be in touch with the Director of Visiting Students to discuss the suitability of the Extended Michaelmas Term for their students.

Courses in Biology, Economics, Law, Mathematics and Physics are only available from October onwards so applicants wishing to study courses in these subjects will only be able to request these for their second set of tutorials.  Courses in Ancient History, Classics, Classical Archaeology, English, History, History of Art, Management, Music, Philosophy, Politics, Psychology and Theology are available in September and throughout Michaelmas term.

Sam Straus


Sam Straus, a student from Cornell University, writes about his experience of MT+ in the 2023-24 academic year:

“From Formal Halls (weekly dinners in the dining hall where everyone dresses up) to meeting people from all around the world, my Extended Michaelmas Term (MT+) at LMH allowed me to grow as a person. Specially, my time at LMH allowed me to grow academically, professionally, and personally.

Academically, LMH provided me with the opportunity to deepen my studies in Economics and Management. For Economics, I took Intermediate Microeconomics and was grouped with a cohort of ten degree-seeking students. However, my tutorials were typically two-on-one. This allowed me to delve deeper into my fields of interest alongside like-minded, driven students. For Management, I took General Management, a course which allowed for me to research, analyze, and distill strategies for firms. In the United States, a majority of my Management studies have used the ‘case study’ method. However, at LMH, I was able to supplement this methodology with a more theory-based lens.

Professionally, I was able to expand the types of people that I surround myself with. Many of my colleagues in the United States have similar professional interests; however, at LMH, I was pleasantly surprised to connect with people who have wide-ranging goals (e.g., academia, government relations, literature, etc.). I was able to broaden my approach to being a professional, looking past the typical internship-mindset that is common amongst my home institution. I do not consider either mentality ‘better’ or ‘worse,’ and I am incredibly thankful to have been exposed to both prior to entering the professional world. I now feel as though I could pursue a more global career.

Personally, I was able to push myself to connect with not only the incredible community that already exists within LMH but also the cohort of approximately 35 Visiting Students. I joined Lady Margaret Hall’s Boat Club (LMHBC) and attended various talks with distinguished people (e.g., Malala — who is an LMH alumna!). Through these activities, I was able to make many friends who are seeking a degree from Oxford. Outside of these activities for all LMH students, there were many opportunities to get to know other Visiting Students through planned social events (e.g., periodic catered lunches, Thanksgiving Formal Hall, etc.).

Overall, I had an incredible time during MT+ and am thankful to have been able to experience both LMH’s and Oxford’s rich cultures. If you have any questions about my experience of the program, please do feel free to reach out.


Email — sis35@cornell.edu

LinkedIn — www.LinkedIn.com/in/Sam-Straus

Sam also wrote an article for his University newspaper about his experience studying abroad at Oxford and Cambridge (he spent a term at Cambridge University prior to attending LMH). Please click on the link below to read the article:
