Following discussion in university and social media regarding admission of Law candidates to the LMH Foundation Year 2022/23, we thought it might be helpful to explain the background to this situation in order to provide a measure of reassurance before the end of term.
At the end of March, LMH Law tutors interviewed a small number of Law candidates for a potential place on the Foundation Year 2022/23. In their academic judgement they did not feel that any of those short-listed could be supported to the required level to progress to the undergraduate Law degree. Consequently, no offers were made at any point to any of the applicants.
This decision not to make any offers was communicated to the candidates who had been interviewed. Subsequently, it became clear that an internal miscommunication had led to the candidates wrongly being informed that staffing levels, rather than candidate suitability, was the reason for the Foundation Year in Law not running. It should be emphasised that the LMH FY year overall is a small course with a very small intake and will only take applicants of the right standard for the course. In previous years, as in 2022/23, it has not been unusual for no offers to be made in certain subjects after interviews.
We can also confirm that some of the media coverage of this issue contained some unhelpful inaccuracies which had no basis in fact and bear no resemblance to the reality of this particular process, or to LMH’s broader ethos.
We do of course regret the disappointment caused to all applicants that no offers were made, and have communicated this regret to those affected.